I haven't felt well mentally since my cousin passed away. That, combined with a lot of other craptastic happenings have killed my motivation. I don't want to write, don't want to go to class, don't want to study. Going to the gym is about the only thing I am motivated to do right now. I managed to get three more articles in today for the cutoff. Payday is Friday. I plan to get a couple articles written for another site this evening after I go to the gym, so they will pay Friday as well. This weekend, I have drill, so it will be a wash. Tomorrow I have a doctor appointment in the morning, but should be able to write all day after that, until I pick up the kids to go workout. And I'll have some time Friday afternoon after I get back from the gym.
I just hate this down, depressed time. I want to do so much, but can't get myself to do it.
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