And I'm really so tired of it. First my cousin, my sister's employee, and a fellow blogger. Tonight, my dear husband is making a notification to a family of a deceased sailor. They just made the notification about 30 minutes ago, and are about 5 hours from home, so I doubt he'll be home tonight. I can't go into details, but it is a bad deal. I don't know how much more I can take. I feel sad for the sailor's family, but I am not worried to be home alone without the DH. My home is protected by Smith & Wesson, and not only have I been in the military for 12 years, I was raised with firearms, and learned to shoot and clean one when I was 8. Yes, I am from Southern Illinois, we do that there.
I was sick today, and couldn't make it to class. My writing suffered, and so did my diet. I ate more than I wanted to (I have set impossible goals for myself I think), and I wrote less than I wanted to. My paycheck for this week is going to suck. Next week I have to study for mid-terms, and the following week I am going home to visit with family in Indiana and Illinois, and they only have crappy dial-up, so I won't be able to work. I'm not hurting for money, but it's hard to continue to work on my debt snowball if my income isn't also snowballing.
I did make a doctor appointment for me for Thursday to get a medical issue looked into. I plan to go to the gym to work out tomorrow. I will salvage the week somehow. I hope my next blog post is happier.
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